Global Environmental Change and Food Systems (GECAFS)
The Joint Project GECAFS is a comprehensive programme of interdisciplinary research focused on understanding the links between food security and global environmental change. GECAFS will improve understanding of the relationship between food systems and the Earth System to deliver science-based tools for analysing the socioeconomic and environmental consequences of adaptation strategies. These will be designed to help policy-makers and managers evaluate the best options for reducing vulnerability of food systems to global environmental change while minimising further environmental degradation.
The GECAFS goal is:
To determine strategies to cope with the impacts of global environmental change on food systems and to assess the environmental and socioeconomic consequences of adaptive responses aimed at improving food security.
This goal will be achieved by improved understanding of the interactions between food systems and the Earth System?s key socioeconomic and biogeophysical components. The research agenda will be specifically targeted towards delivering the new science necessary to underpin policy formulation for improving food security in the face of GEC.
GECAFS International Project Office (IPO)
Environmental Change Institute
Oxford University Centre for the Environment
South Parks Road
Oxford, OX1 3QY
Phone: +44 1865 285 176
Fax: +44 1865 285 534