Day 1: Opening and Plenary Session
G. McBean – Opening Remarks
T. Rosswall – Introductory Remarks
C. Fu – Monsoon Asia Integrated Regional Study
C. Nobre – Overview of Global Environmental Change
C. Korner – Beyong Counting: Biodiversity Drives the Earth System
R. Leemans – Earth System Science: Progress and Challenges
Day 2: Earth System Science in a Societal Context: The Need for Inter-Disciplinary Science
D. Liverman: How Can We Achieve Food Security in the Face of Global Environmental Change?
T. McMichael: Global Environmental Change and Human Health: Issues and Research Needs
F. Lansigan: Beyond Conflict: Sharing the Global Water System for Nature, Food, and Economic Development
M. Raupach: Carbon in the Earth System: Dynamics and Vulnerabilities
Day 3: GEC Science Links with Policy and Development Agendas
K. Trenberth: GEC Science in Relation to International Environmental Assessments and Conventions
L. King: GEC Science in Relation to Policy Formulation at the Regional Level
S. Lennon: GEC Science and the Power Sector in Africa
D. Murdiyarso: On the Brink of Accelerated Changes: Asia’s Challenges and Opportunities in Sustainable Development
M.J. Williams: GEC Science in Relation to Development Agencies
Day 4: Closing Plenary: ESSP Future
Young Scientists’ Award Ceremony
J. Church: ESSP Now and in the Future
E. Dowdeswell: Looking Beyong Tomorrow: Regional and Global Research Challenges