Global Environmental Change Scientists Seek to Improve Links with Policy and Development Agendas
Global environmental change research plays a vital role in providing the scientific basis for policy and development agendas concerned with sustainable development. Yet, a major report by the UK government on the economic effects of climate change challenges the global science community to better inform governments on actions to take.
Sustainability is a central theme of the ESSP’s Open Science Conference, and will be the focus of a plenary session on linking global environmental change research to policy and development agendas, where key sustainability issues from regional and global perspectives will be addressed.
Speeches include:
GEC Science in Relation to International Environmental Assessments and Conventions by Kevin Trenberth. head of the Climate Analysis Section at the US National Center for Atmospheric Research. He has been lead author of chapters of the IPCC Scientific Assessment of Climate Change, and serves on the Joint Scientific Committee of the World Climate Research Programme.
Global Environmental Change Science and the Power Sector in Africa by Steve Lennon of Eskom Holdings Limited, South Africa, widely recognized for his leadership in technology development, global energy sector trends and policy, and climate change policy for South Africa.
On the Brink of Accelerated Changes: Asia’s Challenges and Opportunities in Sustainable Development by Daniel Murdiyarso, a professor at the Department of Geophysics and Meteorology at the Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia. He has been a Convening Lead Author of IPCC Assessment Reports on Land-Use Change and Forestry, and in 2000 he served the government of Indonesia as Deputy Minister of the Environment for two years.
Global Environmental Change Science in Relation to Development Agencies by Meryl Williams, who chairs the Board of Management and the Policy Advisory Council of the Australian Center for International Agricultural Research. From 1994 to 2004, Dr. Williams was Director General of the WorldFish Center. She is also a member of the Scientific Steering Committee of the Census of Marine Life and chairs the FAO Advisory Committee on Fisheries Research.
Thomas Rosswall will moderate this session. He is Executive Director of the International Council for Science (ICSU), and formerly has been Director of the International Foundation for Science (IFS), President of the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Director of the international START Secretariat, and Executive Director of the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP).
Related Sessions:
Plenary Session 3: Global Environmental Change Science Links with Policy and Development Agendas
Date: Saturday, 11 November 2006
Time: 8:30 am
Venue: Convention Hall 1 of the Beijing International Conference Center
Press Briefing on this session: 10:30 am at the same venue
Parallel Sessions 23 through 34
Date: Saturday, 11 November 2006
Time: 13:00 to 16:30
Venue: Beijing International Conference Center; see Programme for various meeting rooms
Media Contact:
Mary Ann Williams
phone: +46 8 673 9562
fax: +46 8 16 64 05
Local Conference Organiser
Yu Jun
phone: +86 10 6217 2957
fax: +86 10 6217 4797